Funds are needed for renovations to continue
While navigating new ways to provide services to older adults at the height of the pandemic, the Area Agency on Aging of Southwest Arkansas, Inc. (AAASWA) also made the big move to the Lelia Enrichment Complex. The interior is hardly recognizable from the work that has already been achieved, but the renovations are far from over.
“With the additional space available at the new location, AAASWA’s goal is to offer services that will enrich the lives of the seniors of Magnolia and the surrounding area.”
Ruthie Langston, Executive Director.
Past and Present
Currently the AAASWA offices are located in A-Hall; the Magnolia Senior Center is located in D-Hall; Vietnam Veterans offices are in B-Hall; Community Center/meeting room is in C-Hall.
Additionally, six offices in B-hall have been renovated along with a large lobby and handicap bathroom. These are available for rent. Click here for more information.
Renovations began in the spring of 2020 with the installation of new LED lighting throughout the complex thanks to a grant obtained by our contractor H&F Electric. A new fire alarm system was purchased and installed with the help of a $10,000 grant from Albemarle Foundation. In the fall of 2021, thanks to a grant from the Weyerhaeuser Giving Fund equipment was purchased, and two telehealth rooms were completed. The rooms have also been renovated to be soundproof and HIPPA compliant.
Demolition has occurred in F-Hall. All of the walls have come down to make way for the future indoor walking track. The track will include carpet squares around the perimeter of the 80’x40’ space. In the center area of 40’x20’ a hard surface will be installed that will be used for stationary exercise equipment. This hard surface area can also be utilized as a dance floor. Our vision is to have a safe and fun place for seniors.

“It is our plan to develop a walking track for seniors in F-Hall where seniors can exercise all year long without being concerned about the weather or fear of exercising or walking alone on the city streets where an accident could happen and they would have no assistance available,” according to Ruthie Langston.
Plans for E-Hall are extensive. This will be the Health and Wellness wing, allowing for the expansion of community support programs. These programs include evidence-based exercise programs and chronic disease self-management courses, such as Diabetes Empowerment Education Program (DEEP).

E-hall will include two offices, one on either side of the hallway, with an attached personal bathroom for staff. The Community Support Specialist’s office will have a walk-through to a library of books, CDs, DVDs and other items that are used for support groups and education classes.

There will be two meeting/education rooms, one on each side of the hallway, where support groups can meet and receive encouragement from trained facilitators as well as encouragement from one another.

Toward the end of the hall, there will be a studio where seniors can learn how to perform “gentle” exercise from a trained instructor. Currently, AAASWA offers classes in Tai Chi for Arthritis, which helps with balance; Drums Alive, using balls and drumsticks to help with coordination; and Peppi, exercise using bands for strength training.

Finishing off E-hall will be two storage rooms utilized for exercise equipment and additional outreach materials.
Currently AAASWA staff is working on a grant to help offset the cost of the renovation to the Health & Wellness Center. Other grants are being sought out to assist with the largest cost to the complex which is a sprinkler system. The sprinkler system is a needed necessity and has a price tag of over $300,000.00. Any help or assistance for this project would be appreciated. Stay tuned to our newsletter for upcoming notices of fundraisers!