Thanks to Arkansas legislatures, senior centers across the state are receiving funds to help cover operating costs. This one-time state funds transfer comes as part of a larger $3 million in restricted reserve funds to the state Department of Human Services’ Division of Aging, Adult and Behavioral Services. Staff from the Area Agency on Aging of Southwest Arkansas, Inc. (AAASWA) were thrilled to deliver checks to centers in our region.

Executive Director Ruthie Langston (left) presents a check to Yvonne and David Boone of David Boone Ministries Inc. The Boones manage senior centers in 10 of the agency’s 12 counties.

Chief Financial Officer Cindy Lewis (middle) presents a check to senior center employess Jacquelin Jones (left) and Hazel Parker (right) within the Magnolia Housing Authority senior center.

Executive Assistant Pam Gatlin (left) presents a check to Calhoun County Judge Floyd Nutt and Senior Center Director Cheryl Furr at the Sam Jones Senior Center in Hampton.

Executive Assistant Pam Gatlin (left) presents a check to Carmen Clift at Champagnolle Landing in El Dorado.