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PEPPI Exercise Classes – Nevada County
Hamilton Blakely Senior Center 419 E. Main, PrescottPeer Exercise Program Promotes Independence (PEPPI) is a physical activity program using exercise bands to provide resistance and is designed for older adults. Its purpose is…
Tai Chi for Arthritis for Fall Prevention – Little River County
University of Arkansas - Cossatot Community College Ashdown Campus 1411 N Constitution Ave, AshdownTai Chi for Arthritis for Fall Prevention helps to improve muscular strength, flexibility, balance, and stamina. Tai Chi is often described as “moving meditation” because it uses a…
Seated Tai Chi for Arthritis for Fall Prevention – Miller County
Texarkana Arkansas Recreation Center 1 Legion St, TexarkanaSeated Tai Chi for Arthritis for Fall Prevention (STCAFP) is an adaptation of the standing form where participants are seated and learn the upper body movements…