Agency Appreciates Our Full-Time Ombudsmen
Governor Asa Hutchinson has declared October 13th as Ombuds Day in Arkansas. The Area Agency on Aging of Southwest Arkansas, Inc. (AAASWA) is proud to employ two Long-Term Care Ombudsmen and partner with the state ombudsman program.
Under authority provided through the Older Americans Act of 1965, the LTC Ombudsmen investigate and resolve complaints about nursing homes, assisted living facilities, and other residential care settings. They also work to protect rights, and promote access to services for residents.

James Lollies covers Miller, Nevada, Howard, Sevier, Little River, and Dallas counties.
It is fitting that this Ombuds Day falls in October, when we also celebrate Residents’ Rights Month, an annual event designated by Consumer Voice to honor residents living in all long-term care facilities and those receiving care in their home or community.
To learn more about the Arkansas Long-Term Ombudsman Program visit