Program will be held every other month
In the same way a coffee break helps relax and revive a worker, the Caregiver Lunch Break is designed to help the caregiver take a deep breath, enjoy lunch, and relax for an hour.
The program, coordinated by Barbara Lewis of the Caring Place of Magnolia, is conducted every other month throughout the year at Lelia Enrichment Complex, 600 Lelia St., Magnolia. It is free and open to all caregivers.
Although social distancing is continuing, caregivers are still able to socialize with other caregivers and have lunch, while enjoying a speaker.
Topics vary from month to month. This month Deborah Fitzgerald, Case Manager for Area Agency on Aging of Southwest Arkansas, talked about Medicare. Lunch was provided by Southern Caregivers.
The next Lunch Break will be at noon, Friday, December 3rd at Lelia Enrichment Complex. Lunch will be sponsored by Wentworth, and the program will consist of a variety of musical numbers. Because lunch will be provided, RSVP is required by calling Jennifer Ellis at 870-626-3093 no later than December 1st.