Active Aging
Staying physically and mentally active is the key to healthy aging.

Meet Our Community Support Specialists
Navigating life’s intricate fabric, choices unfold paths to the extraordinary, demanding creativity, curiosity, and courage for a truly fulfilling journey.
Yes, you CAN get stronger, and you CAN grow more brain cells in your later years. Join them in one of their free evidence-based exercise classes or chronic disease self-management courses.
Nancy Bailey
Jeanette Johnson
Tai Chi Classes
Tai Chi for Arthritis for Fall Prevention helps to improve muscular strength, flexibility, balance, and stamina. Classes are available in-person and via zoom throughout our area. One can absorb the movements by merely watching others do Tai Chi, so if you tune in to a Zoom class, you can leave your video off, and just watch and follow along as you feel comfortable, but know this: the benefits come from doing the movements, so you will want to follow along as you can.
Five lesson videos for Tai Chi for Arthritis for Fall Prevention are available on our website in order for those interested to practice in the comfort of their homes. Dr. Paul Lam has instructional videos on YouTube. You can find those by typing in ‘Dr. Paul Lam’s Tai Chi for Arthritis for Fall Prevention’ in the search bar.
Seated Tai Chi for Arthritis for Fall Prevention (STCAFP) is an adaptation of the standing form where participants are seated and learn the upper body movements first. Once they are comfortable with the upper body movements, lower body movements are added by either pressing on the balls of the feet or tensing their gluts while performing the upper body movements. This is what allows the participants to accomplish the same movements as the standing form only seated, strengthening their legs and allowing those who wish, to ultimately do the standing form.

Peer Exercise Program Promotes Independence (PEPPI)
As we age, the number of muscle cells in our bodies begins to decrease beginning at age 30. Muscle strengthening exercises can help you stay independent. Peer Exercise Program Promotes Independence (PEPPI) is a physical activity program using exercise bands to provide resistance, and is designed for older adults. Its purpose is to increase physical fitness and independence. Each class consists of mild warm-up stretches and range of motion, a little cardio, and resistance training using the exercise bands.

Ageless Grace
Ageless Grace® is a “brain health program’.
It works your brain while working your body. The main purpose is to get the brain to Respond-React-and Recover. Based on the science of neuroplasticity, which means our brain has the capacity to change. This program consists of 21 simple tools for lifelong comfort and easy movements into your daily living.
Ageless Grace® is a profound body of work that provides amazing results in all ages. It’s simple to learn, playful, easy to do, and most of all FUN!
While this is not a new program, it is newly offered by the agency and will be scheduled to follow some Tai Chi classes.
Support Groups
Support groups co-hosted by Area Agency on Aging of Southwest Arkansas, Inc. offer patients and care partners companionship which helps ease the feelings of isolation and loneliness, and help support and nurture a positive attitude. They provide information and education, both in exchanging information and sharing practical tips for daily living, as well as learning about new research and techniques from a variety of speakers in the professional field. They offer encouragement by drawing strength from each other, and allow the person with Parkinson’s to relax from self-consciousness about dyskinesia and other problems associated with Parkinson’s.
During the group meeting, attendees can discuss the “good and bad” with those who understand. Also, the caregiver will learn about resources, organizations and websites that can help with specific needs. Here, too, they are able to interact with other caregivers, learn healthy coping skills, get a better understanding of what to expect in the future, and gain a sense of empowerment and control. These benefits will lead to less anxiety and help reduce depression, and enhance their ability to care for their loved one.
Super Noggin
Super Noggin is a community-based brain fitness program designed to maintain and even improve cognitive functions in adults, including those with normal aging memory problems “senior moments”. Elements of the program have been identified as Alzheimer’s prevention strategies.
Diabetes Empowerment Education Program (DEEP)
DEEP is a licensed diabetes self-management education (DSME) curriculum to provide diabetes education to members of the local community. There are eight modules including Blood Glucose Monitoring, Physical Activity, and Management Through Meal Planning to name a few.